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旗下栏目: 高层 国际 时政 热评


国际 | 发布时间:2024-04-02 | 人气: | #评论#
摘要:Technology: the US developed attack systems such as Turbulence, attack platforms such as FoxAcid, Hive and Bvp47, and attack weapons such as Validator and United Rake, among other Trojan viruses and b

–Technology: the US developed attack systems such as Turbulence, attack platforms such as FoxAcid, Hive and Bvp47, and attack weapons such as Validator and United Rake, among other Trojan viruses and backdoor malware.


–Organization: CIA primarily attacks major companies, research institutions and infrastructures; the NAS Office of Tailored Access Operation (TAO) launches indiscriminate global attacks; and Cyber Command is a large establishment of cyber mission forces.


At the same time, the US and the UK are speeding up the militarization of network on all aspects by taking frequent cyber military operations and further substantiating their “preemptive” and “cyber deterrence” strategy, posing a severe threat to the global cybersecurity.


The Thief in a Judge’s Robe


On the one hand, the American and British governments are carrying out cyberattacks almost as a matter of common practice, and on the other hand, they are playing deaf and dumb to the condemnation of the global community. On occasions, driven by geopolitical purpose, they even played the trick of a thief dressed in a judge’s robe, spreading disinformation of “threat of cyberintruders from China”, who, in fact, is the biggest victim of the global cyberattacks.


According to recent reports from the National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China (also known as CNCERT/CC), among all the attacks China has received from overseas, those originating from the US top the list. Here are some cases that have gone public:


–In February, 2022, Equation, a hacker group tied to US National Security Agency (NSA), had, for over a decade, been launching cyberattacks against 45 countries and regions around the world, including China, with “top backdoor malwares”.


–In April, 2022, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, was cyberattacked from overseas. TAO had deployed over 40 cyber arsenals, carried out over 10, 000 long and persistent malicious attacks against targets in the Chinese territory and stolen massive amounts of high value data.


–In July, 2023, Wuhan Earthquake Monitoring Center was under cyberattacks from the US. The detected backdoor malwares matched the characteristics of those from American intelligence agencies.


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